Did I mention?

This blog contains commentary on my life at college and at home. I have been recently including my pursuit for a better resident life here at my own school. This will be an ongoing theme among many posts intertwined with various other issues.

Friday, July 07, 2006

The Plan

Live Strong

I always find myself thinking and planning long term on every aspect of my life. Nothing is thought of only for the immediate future, but for months and years ahead. I currently lack an explanation for why it is I think and plan in such broad terms with long periods of time between the present and when my plans would go into effect. Perhaps it is because I don't enjoy my life here as of now; perhaps I always believe that the future holds a better more efficient life for me. I always want something different then what I have. Please however don't mistake my gratitude for the life I have now.

What ever it is, I tend to find myself running from the present and consistently looking towards the future. This way of thinking doesn't always burden me, but instead it puts me often in a much better position then most people my age. I have plans for my life that most people my age would never have thought to deal with so early. I believe infect that by planning things much ahead of time, I avoid the anxiety of feeling unprepared for life as it comes. For such a long time I had such an un-stable life and now that matters have " settled down " some, I find some aspects in life coming fourth for the first time in my life.

My plans for life for the next few years remain vague in certain areas, but much of them revolve around a few key points. Consistency is not something many college students can bank on, more so when it comes to living situations. It is my intention to rent an apartment near my college 2nd semester of this up coming year. Having said that, I intend to share that apartment with my girlfriend. We have agreed upon splitting the rent costs, and all other bills. How ever if anyone has seen the movie with Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Anniston " The Break Up “, let me assure you such an event would never happen.

The next step would be to purchase another car perhaps Junior or senior year. I have done a tremendous amount of research in vehicles and cost, mainly focusing on MPG as I currently drive a Jeep. My original inclination was to look at hybrids and plan on saving for one such as the Toyota Prius, the one down fall being its looks. How ever I noticed that a new 2007 Honda Civic 4 door, with a navigation system and fog lights getting an EPA estimated MPG of 30/40 (city/highway), being almost double that of my Jeep, that will be the way to go. Much to my dismay I don't see any other fuel efficient vehicles that look decent and aren't that expensive out in the market.

Other then that, this year I plan to continue working for campus security (that being my main source of income, along with a EBAY bushiness I am revamping) while contemplating running for student council @ my school. I think it would be interesting; I'd at the very least try it regardless of support. I figure if I am going to make a career out of politics I should start getting involved in the politics around me ASAP. I also plan to start (something my school is desperately lacking) a general political interest group this up coming year. The last step sometime in September a push for more substantial political science courses as we currently have 2-3. Keep in mind my school does not offer Political Science and a major or minor, but that is slowly in the works.

Overall, my life for the next few years has a ton of potential and I intend on taking advantage of each and every resource available to advance my career and myself to its fullest potential. This of course is with hope that my girlfriend shall remain by my side throughout each and every experience and event that transpires.


At 8:55 AM, August 10, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.

At 7:28 PM, August 15, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.


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