Random tangents shall follow this title ...
Live Strong
Now that I realize that for sometime a portion of Easton Police personel read this blog I am considering censoring what - AH who am I kidding ! I dont care. Its just nice to know who my readers are.
Its nice to hear from them, even the sarcasm that follows from certain entries. The main purpose of this blog is for me, and at times to share my thoughts and life experiences with others. Many people tend to have blog, but I see one pattern. Its all about updating them and lack of people doing so. I have fallen victim to such patterns leaving my blog un attended for months. As a result I loose readers, but I have noticed they have come back since I have updated more frequently
I am looking to at the very least this summer grab a MRT cert , with the benifit being a in-house exam.
Another thing, its a B%tch getting a security job here in CT even with a resume'. WTF people? I would think that 4 years in a Explorer post, Red Cross Certs ( pathetic to some I know ) Campus Police certified and trained in the use of OC and the Expandable Baton , with a semester of dispatching, all of this cant get me a basic security job somewhere? I just dont get it.
Mallory's Birthday is June 19th, how ever I am willing to imagine that some who read this have already Googl'ed such information. No worries, Anyways, I will be up at her house this coming weekend. She will be down here the weekend after ( 24th 25th ).
Till next time , carry on.
Here are some links that I believe will be interested
I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.
Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.
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