Did I mention?

This blog contains commentary on my life at college and at home. I have been recently including my pursuit for a better resident life here at my own school. This will be an ongoing theme among many posts intertwined with various other issues.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Smoke Signals

Live Strong

There are days when I envy Native Americans. For they had what were called, smoke signals. How ever poor my history is, I know for a fact when they wanted something to be known it was as direct as they knew how. Often I find myself questioning what is I do that creates such problems between others and myself. It’s not any one person but rather groups of people.

Tell me that you have experienced a miss communication with someone before where it became so awkward that you did everything you could to ignore that person or people. I do wonder how many mistakes I’ve made, and if I were to do a "Ross”, analyze it all from A-Z.

This situation will not alter my day or change how I act. I will only be myself. There is nothing simpler or more real then that. If I stop being myself then I am not being consistent. If something was taken incorrectly that’s really not my fault.


Speaking of signals, there has to be something that’s going to lead me in the right direction career wise. I am finding myself torn. Yes that is right, to all those that figured me to be 110% Law Enforcement I am now considering a role in politics. No matter how small a capacity it would be to start, naturally you build yourself up from the bottom. Though my plans and major will put me in a law enforcement career, I am not right now settling on that entirely. There is just a small notion or voice telling me to enter politics. I would certainly have to think about the pro's and cons, but for now keep picturing me with a badge and sidearm working for federal agency.

Only time will tell where my career goes and how my social life ends up. The path of school in Australia and law enforcement is sticking for now, and that’s my bottom line.

Expect an update by Sunday, as I will undergo an intensive training with public safety on Saturday. Anyone care to take bets on how long the effects of OC ( like mace but stronger ) will last on me? :)


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