Did I mention?

This blog contains commentary on my life at college and at home. I have been recently including my pursuit for a better resident life here at my own school. This will be an ongoing theme among many posts intertwined with various other issues.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Why Ida?

Live Strong

Note : Pictures and video of me being OC'd will be on " Did I Mention" in a few days.


I have noticed a question often muttered here on campus, why Ida? What an great question. Lately, many freshmen here have started to question what $31,000 of their parents often hard-earned money is going towards. Suddenly I find myself asking the same question. In some way's I feel that this campus how ever " talked up" in brochures is mediocre at best. From lack of activities to food that is in some places below many normal taste standards nothing seems worth the amount of money. Not to mention academically, aside from a few exceptions. Really what am I getting that I cant get at NCC ? (REPRESENT JAMES!) .

One thing I do enjoy is being away from home; most people would agree that being on our own is a great experience.

Generally speaking with little doubt, I am not the only college student thinking this about the college experience. If your college bathrooms are below par and the dorms are decent at best, feel free to comment. If your college in everyway possible kicks ass feel free to comment as well.

However I think it may be time to start an application process for the end of the year and make 2006 the year of the "big move". I had originally figured on staying here two years, but I am not so sure that is going to work out. Australia seems to be the way to go. For those of you who know me, you have heard me speak of AUS for some time college wise and I do see it being plausible for as early as 2006.

I encourage people to comment on this entry. It’s nice to see what people are experiencing and so on. Thank you in advance for any time you put into a comment and for reading.


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