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This blog contains commentary on my life at college and at home. I have been recently including my pursuit for a better resident life here at my own school. This will be an ongoing theme among many posts intertwined with various other issues.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

A Taser's Reliability

Live Strong
I was researching Tasers and I found that I am still unsure about them. I agree they are great but also they are still to new for me ever to get one in the next couple of years. It’s not like I need one exactly but they just seem to new to feel comfortable with yet. On the other hand:

Those are great stats and it’s hard to argue with those. The new taser that is smaller then the first generation has a better range and larger shock. Of course it sucks if you shoot it and the little prongs don’t hit your intended target and you are now down to one shot left.

Easton Police does no use tasers yet as we rarely have any need to fire our weapon during the course of a year. (Thank god). Of course officers here draw there weapon but it’s been a year or more since the last time an officer dispatched his weapon on a person. More time then not they will use it for a deer then a person. Though we do have shotguns to.

“Badge # (officer will stay anonymous) to radio, deer has been neutralized, dispatched 6 rounds with sidearm."


At 8:47 PM, February 22, 2005, Blogger Ross said...

With regard to the Taser thing, those numbers were called into some question by the NY Times a few months ago. There have been several deaths reported due to Taser use. However, most of them result from multiple officers using their taser on on suspect, or a suspect who had a prexisting heart condition or were on drugs.

The problem with tasers however, is that they frequently aren't used in place of firearms, but in situations where normally a firearm would not have been used. Also, officers have been known to taze first and ask questions later, rather than giving a suspect an opportunity to drop their weapon as they usually do with firearms.

All I'm saying is that graphic is oversymplifying things. There is room to argue with it.

At 11:19 PM, February 22, 2005, Blogger M. Caldwell said...

I am sure there is a margin of error and room to argue. My point is that they create a safe enviroment for the officer and the suspect. They have with out a doubt been seen as one of the best tools out in local law enforcement.

Unfortunatly there use is widely over done. I ofcourse can not speak for officers using them.


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