Did I mention?

This blog contains commentary on my life at college and at home. I have been recently including my pursuit for a better resident life here at my own school. This will be an ongoing theme among many posts intertwined with various other issues.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005


Live Strong


Last night I turned on my TV and checked my tivo. I looked at what recorded and I see that my grandmother smartly recorded Oprah for me. Now that may sound strange but the entire show had to do with one of my hero's (that term is used too much) Lance Armstrong. Oprah had him and his girlfriend rock star Sheryl Crow on the show. He explained his struggle with cancer and he talked about winning an astounding 6 Tour De France (the toughest sport competition in the world). Lance also described the true meaning behind the yellow bands everyone including myself wear. “Some may have lost focus on the real reason why the bands were made." Lance said. He explained how they were made to support cancer research and be a reminder to live each day strong. They are little something to keep everyone of us going throughout the day strong. As much as he enjoyed seeing over 32 million yellow bands sold, he was disappointed with the scams that were going on with them, price gauging and so on.

I digress.

After watching the show he really inspired me to want to get back on the bike. I can’t wait to get on my bike and ride all over creation. I figure if a man that was told he may not live from cancer that had spread all over his body and then he went on to win 6 Tour De France races, I can go out and ride more often this season.

Now I really want the warm weather to get here ASAP.


At 4:53 PM, February 16, 2005, Blogger Ross said...

Your grandmother can use your TiVo?

I'm impressed. My parents don't even know how to turn the thing on.

At 10:29 PM, February 16, 2005, Blogger M. Caldwell said...

If you watched the show you would know she wasnt there when he had cancer. Dont assume the facts there. He marryed during recovery,his mother was the one there for him not his wife. He wasnt married then.


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