Did I mention?

This blog contains commentary on my life at college and at home. I have been recently including my pursuit for a better resident life here at my own school. This will be an ongoing theme among many posts intertwined with various other issues.

Friday, October 01, 2004


Today was a victory for everyone. I feel that a common ground was laid and the leaders can get to work on making the necessary adjustments in school. Sadly, the sign itself was vandalized. This is a setback to the process but should not deter us.

My grandfather became aware of all of this today after school when I had told him that I went to this rally. The rage and anger he felt and expressed was enormous. He did not understand why I had to be one of those kids that protests. I think he is picturing signs and the 60's all over again. He was very angry that I went to this and decided to in ways dis-approve with the administration. He said I should just go to school and study and that’s it. He also stated that we as highschoolers are too young to voice our opinion. I ask you what we would do if we didn’t. Where would we be? What kind of environment would study be in if it wasn’t for the few that speak there minds? It’s ridiculous to think that the rally today was inappropriate, or so my grandfather says. He is very narrow minded, doesn’t like to speak him opinions, goes with the majority and that’s it. He doesn’t like that I have a different opinion them him. I get so angry that now we won’t speak to each other for something as stupid as a difference in opinion.

Basically now he just will not know what happens at school or in my life. Simple as that.
As far as anything else in life. Academics are going well. I get both my EMT exams back Monday, hoping I did well. I have to get my letters of recommendation done and obtain all the right applications for school next week.

What fun it will be.


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