Did I mention?

This blog contains commentary on my life at college and at home. I have been recently including my pursuit for a better resident life here at my own school. This will be an ongoing theme among many posts intertwined with various other issues.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Here I go thinking again!

If I were to analyze each sentence said to me or to someone that has to deal with well she would never do this or he would likely do that , I would be up everynight till 2am. Its a matter of deciphering what is of any value. Its like war intel, most of its either to throw you off or is totally false. It makes most sense to take everything with a piece of suspcion and doubt.
On another note I was speaking with Ross this afternoon and we were discussing the preference of myn of living or atleast trying to rekindle the past so frequently. I expressed to him that with in the past lies a great deal of security and maybe even purpose and direction. With the future , its obviously a gamble. We discussed the need for the security physical and hypothetical. Ross had said " I don't understand what needs to be secure. I live in Easton, a very, very safe town. I go to a school whose largest incident is a yearly fight between two students. I have no reason to not feel safe. If you wear seatbelts and don't ride in SUVs and lock your car doors (and your house doors) and buy a mac or a firewall then you should be perfectly safe from all credible threats in the short term."

Just think about that , see what comes to mind. I sure as hell see it as a very literal sense in what I was asking , but Ross does make some good points.


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