Did I mention?

This blog contains commentary on my life at college and at home. I have been recently including my pursuit for a better resident life here at my own school. This will be an ongoing theme among many posts intertwined with various other issues.

Saturday, August 07, 2004

Support our troops!
Bush's radio address today : "Good morning. My most solemn duty as President is to protect our country, and in the three years since our country was attacked, we have taken important steps to overcome terrorist threats to this nation.e have pursued terrorists across the world, destroying their leadership and denying them sanctuaries. We are working with other governments to break up terror cells and stop planned attacks, on virtually every continent. We've created a new Department of Homeland Security......... " , BLAH BLAH BLAH.

Though later in the address what struck me in taking a 2nd look was this , "... our country is safer than it was on September the 11th, 2001. "

Ofcourse our contry is safer then the day of 9/11. Any place is safer the NYC , DC that day. How stupid is that sentence. No matter what he meant, its a very un-intelligent sentence. On 9/11 we were attacked , out fireman and police and ems were the first soldiers into the war on terroism. NYC and DC were the front lines as far as I see it. Someone explain to me then how a place is not safer then NYC and DC on 9/11/01 ??
Cheney in July '04 at a rally in Arizona , speech ,

" Now, as you might have heard, there was a political gathering in Boston this week. THE VICE PRESIDENT: It's now official -- I have an opponent. (Laughter.) No, really, I have an opponent. People keep telling me that Senator Edwards was picked for the job because of his good looks, his charm, his great hair. (Laughter.) I said, "How do you think I got the job?" (Laughter and applause.) "
Exactly how did he get the job ? Now I am not saying Edwards is 100% what we need but, come on!! Cheney is as well qualified as my cat for VP.
I thought I would express my mind alittle on the crack squad of savy motivators and do'ers in the top of this country. If Bush means the ideals of the US , well I am moving to Australia . As far as polls go , the race overall is close. Though today Kerry had a 8% lead on Bush when it came to who the people trust more on national secuirty. What does that tell ya ?
Lets get Kerry in office and maybe we can focus on a few more things then just Terroism. Not to say terroism isnt a important issue , but lets apply some focus on medicare, education and enviroment.


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