Did I mention?

This blog contains commentary on my life at college and at home. I have been recently including my pursuit for a better resident life here at my own school. This will be an ongoing theme among many posts intertwined with various other issues.

Saturday, August 07, 2004

Support our troops!

I got to thinking what it would be like if life had a " rewind " or " pause " button. Would you know when to use it ?

If you were to pause time trying to keep and capture a cherrished unstained moment that you will spend the rest of your life to reclaim , is it worth it, is it reality? These are some of the questions I ask. Some say memories are just images of good and bad. Memories are not just that but a taste of what was. Its a sense of of imagery that provides good and bad emotions , sentiment and soul. Sure the times are gone , but is it not worth it to rekindle a time that may once have been the summit of your life?

Would you change anything that was bad or good? And if so , what would be changed. After reading thus far , you may be thinking , whats the point of this because its impossible to rewind or pause time. Well I say to that , its provides reflection , rumination,speculation and consideration.

I am not saying I would try to change the world but I would think twice on many actions of which I have taken. Ahh! But now I think that maybe what I want to change would cause more damage then good. The course of time etc would easily be off balance by changing the date I was born and my mom (med advacement reasons). Realistically I wish I could have changed the relationship with my father. I continue to think it was my fault that our reltionship is the way it is. Though I dont know exactly how I would start there, for that would alter my life so much for the good.

I have entertained the thought of being in specific places at certain times before something tragic occured.

This is just thoughts that have run through my head and I wanted to see them in writing. Ofcourse I can not do any of these things. Given what I would change I would probably try to apply the circumstance to the present time and deal with it from there.


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