Did I mention?

This blog contains commentary on my life at college and at home. I have been recently including my pursuit for a better resident life here at my own school. This will be an ongoing theme among many posts intertwined with various other issues.

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Not to be forgotten

I sit babysitting my cousin Lily and I cant help but see the future. She is as bright as the north star and as cute as any model could only pray to be. As her and I rumage through christmas decorations, I find the stocking I hang each year for myself at the fireplace manlte. I notice at the bottom right of the stocking it says " CC 89 " . That means my mother ( Cynthia Caldwell ) made ( counter cross stich ) the stocking for me in 1989 when we were all just toddlers. I told Lily my Aunt Cindy made the stocking and she looked at me puzzled. Then I asked her why she was puzzled (I of course knowing the reason). She some what ignores my question then I ask it again. I ask her if she knows who Aunt Cindy is. She said yes and that she is in Heaven. Right then and there I thanked God for that. I was thrilled that she remembered. She remembered it all , her life and her death.

Looking deeper into the issue, its amazing how simple everything is to her. My mothers death to her was simply that Aunt Cindy went to heaven and thats it. She was in her own way visibly upset when my mother passed on , but for her to remember mom was something I just assumed. Today I first questioned if she actually did , and she did! Yes she was only 3 years old when she passed but all I was hoping was for her to remember the name.

My mother in her last years was sooo good to Lily, the daughter she never had. Mom treated her so good even when she was ill. Each day I look at Lily and see my mother in the way that she is still looking over her and protecting her in some form.

I think its just the reassurance I was looking for tonight.

Gone but not forgotten


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