Prom ... in the same boat
Live Strong
It appears I am in the same boat as the Niz for prom. To me the prom represents a good time with friends and a girlfriend. Never the less, I wont be having that "good time".
Its ok, its something I suppose I am fairly use to. There are likely several reasons for why the prom did not work out for me, dating back to the beginning of this year. Perhaps my approach to social functions, my lack of desire to attend could have hurt me. But if you evaluate my social group, there is little place to go and my connections with other groups basically consist of only a few people per group. Even those , some are very limited.
I had one or two people in mind to ask to the prom, then one decided to go with a friend and another is going well ,,, with an X, I think they are no longer going together anymore?
Enough bitching. My bottom line with prom is that I am not going. Instead I will be either home or observing EMS. Who knows, maybe I will be out with a few friends who are also not attending the prom. Ofcourse my family, especially my aunt wants to know what the f*** is wrong with me and why I am not going. After I find the right words to express my reasons for not going, perhaps they will lay off me a bit.
As I look forward to the summer, I see several fun events ahead including a kick ass trip. What I look forward to more is a semi-structured schedule all planned by me. It will be paradise.
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