Did I mention?

This blog contains commentary on my life at college and at home. I have been recently including my pursuit for a better resident life here at my own school. This will be an ongoing theme among many posts intertwined with various other issues.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

No do over

Live Strong

After posing the question to several people "if you could do these 4 yrs over again, would you?". Most people admitted they would. Ofcourse it would be with the same people and same place.

No one has the ability to rewind time yet we all try to find some way to get back the time we lost or in some cases screwed up. I cant think of countless things I would LOVE to do over. Relationships that never took off to friendships that went sour. Lets not forget my grades, though my current GPA is 3.18 I often think I could have made honors several times if I only tried a bit harder.

From social to academic areas in life, I really do wish I could re do these last for years. Ofcourse the thought comes to mind, why? Whats the point, what happened happened and its time to move on. Yes, moving on is something I am sure we all cant wait to do, but I would like to patch things up, allow things to develop and play things differently.

Maybe overall my life would somehow improve by making different choices. Only one man , fictional can turn back time and he is Superman. I am not Superman.

So perhaps I learn to play things differently in college, take a different approach socially. Maybe even attend more social functions. Only time will tell, but I would like the last for years back for a re do.


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