Did I mention?

This blog contains commentary on my life at college and at home. I have been recently including my pursuit for a better resident life here at my own school. This will be an ongoing theme among many posts intertwined with various other issues.

Sunday, March 06, 2005


Live Strong

Honestly, before her entire scandal and prison sentence I disliked Martha Stewart. It wasn’t until lately I have had a real sense of respect for her. She has gotten through prison and remains as a household name that’s more popular then ever. How does she do it?

Her name and brand is obviously very strong. Though there are new people in charge of her company I imagine she will be calling most of the shots soon enough. From Sears and K-Mart merging to a TV show which will be titled "The Apprentice: Martha Stewart." I must say I might just Tivo the first episode and watch it when I am really bored. She is going to be alright.

The real key to Martha's success in my opinion is that she has stayed strong and faced up to what was in front of her. She didn’t appeal, she didn’t delay her demise. She went fourth and I give her credit for doing so. Honestly I am surprised she survived prison. But I think I could do it too if I was Martha Stewart, an American icon and the world's first self-made female billionaire coming home to 132 acre estate. 5 months house arrest on 132 acres in a mansion doesn’t sound too bad to me. Not to mention a billion dollars to fall back on.

She really has everything she did before jail and maybe more. Before jail and the scandal her image began to fade. She became cliché and stagnate. Which makes everything she went through one of the best career moves she has ever made. Clearly prison and crime doesn’t do that to everyone (i.e. Wynona rider, where the hell has she been?) Martha is going to bounce back with more money and more popularity then ever before.

I find it strange I support her now. Before as I said, I really didn’t like her. She never the less did a “Good thing “(Famous Quote from Martha). She really faced up to her problems and I for one respect that. It’s not like she really did anything all that bad. Who hasn’t done a little inside trading, ha-ha.

My grandmother has even bought some of her stock I think. Buy now, be rich later.


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