Live Strong
So much has gone on since I have last posted an entry on here. I have made significant improvements with the campus dining hall, meeting with the new director for the contracted food service. I meet with him once every two week with the newly formed dining committee. We are slowly improving food selection and how it is served etc.
I am the liaison between Public Safety and SGA , as I know all the officers etc. I work with them to address student concerns regarding Public Safety on campus etc. Along with that I am on a campus wide committee that meets once every few weeks that discusses campus safety, that most of the head administration attends as I represent the student body as the one SGA senator at it.
I also have lobbied for a more diverse political science curriculum on campus.I have worked with departments heads etc to provide a bigger variety of courses regarding both government and history which will go into effect beginning Fall Semester 2007.
I also have started a new committee for SGA regarding the funding and grants department. SGA will soon meet with that department and make recommendations to them based on student needs and input towards how federal and state grant's are prioritized.
Other then that, academically all is well as midterms are over. Thank god. I am heading back home by mid November for Thanksgiving break , how ever the dates are not set yet.