Did I mention?

This blog contains commentary on my life at college and at home. I have been recently including my pursuit for a better resident life here at my own school. This will be an ongoing theme among many posts intertwined with various other issues.

Monday, January 31, 2005


Yesterday around 1430, dispatch radioed animal control and stated “A large cow is in the middle of the road, see what you can do." The location is a pretty busy one, 58. Only in our town will there be a call like that around here. It’s become a real classic and I just can’t help but laugh when I hear it.

Of course every department has its serious calls and that certainly includes us, but this is just so funny. What possibly is the Animal Control Officer going to do? They do there job very well but I just can’t see any method that will coax the cow into walking over to the side of the road. Maybe the ring of a bell, or why not shoot it? Well, the officer and animal control got to the area where the last known location was of the cow. They were unable to locate it and went back to there day.

The point is, people keep your damn animals on your property. If someone hits a cow at 30+ MPH there will be no winner. :)

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Bored ...

I found this blog surfing. The states in red I've been to.

create your own visited states map
or check out these Google Hacks.


Interesting facts :
  • 35% of people watching tv yell at it
  • Texas is the only state that is allowed to fly its flag at the same height as the U.S. flag. (figures).
  • Even Antarctica has an area code. Its 672
  • An eagle can attack, kill, and carry away an animal as large as a small deer.
  • More than ten people a year are killed by vending machines
Interesting facts on Blogs :
  • 74 million of Americans (62%) don’t know what a blog is
  • 8 million Americans (7%) have blogs of their own
  • 57% of the 8 million are male
  • 70% of bloggers use broadband

Saturday, January 29, 2005

WTF # 2

I turned on ABC News last night to see what the most current situation was with the helicopter contract. As some of you know Sikorsky (Stratford based) and Lockheed Martin (based in Maryland but contracts out to other nations) have been competing to win the new presidential helicopter contract. Sikorsky has one of the finest made aircrafts in the world. They are all American made, and hand made at times. The pride that goes into their aircrafts is simply heart warming.

Well last tonight it's been learned that the Navy and Defense department chose Lockheed Martin. I can’t express my anger and frustration
enough. First off, my grandfather is a retired pilot and before that a crew chief and engineer who had worked feverishly on this aircraft in the beginning stages and first production. Up until 2002 (1999 to 2003 as a part time employee), he helped design and test the S-92, which I have seen in flight and been given a tour in. It looked amazing. It had become the wave of the future for the new and upcoming hopeful fleet. The VH-92 was the model for president’s version of the 92. Sikorsky had taken what was once engineering and test flight operations section of the plant and turned it into a DMC (Designated Manufacturing Center) for the presidential helicopter. Everyone had high hopes for the aircraft.

Today is one of sadness for the company, myself and my grandfather included. We are disappointed in the choice that President Bush in fact had a large influence on. The thought and reason might be that Bush is a republican and this is a democratic state. He was also pressured into the European version because his two closest allies England and Italy would benefit from the contract.

This will create big problems for Sikorsky, including layoffs. Fortunately it will not close its doors from this catastrophe. The UH-
60 Black Hawk and the Sea Hawk create many many jobs for the company. It is my hope that the president and defense department see there mistake in non-American made parts.

An American president should fly in only American made aircrafts. in the long run it is just statistically and logically safer to go with home made products.

Thursday, January 27, 2005


It seems lately I’ve been spinning aimlessly into an unknown direction. I put severe importance on specific things and no concern on others. School has now taken a front seat to my priorities as a new semester has begun. Though like most things, school will wane in its importance and other things will take its place as time goes on.

I continue to think these days that winter is becoming more and more depressing. I can’t wait for summer. I need to go on the trips that I have planned. It turns out that one of my closer cousins in Australia is getting married in the end of July this summer. Hopefully, not just my grandparents but myself included attend. It’s just such a long flight, in the neighborhood of 21 hours. None the less, it’s beautiful there and I would someday like to own a home somewhere in New South Wales.

Sweden this summer will be important to me as I am going to see a cousin of mine graduate military academy there and move on to a professional soccer career. He is good, but would never be world famous. It’s like an average baseball player here, we know him, but most times the rest of the world doesn’t.

I guess its ok to look forward to things coming up in time. Maybe it’s not ok to rely on them as your soul source of happiness.


In EMT we are now studying Geriatrics. What fun, seeing as how I eat sleep and breathe geriatrics at home. I breezed through that packet of questions. Basically Goodie told us that by our 20's for men, we have reached our peak, in many areas physically. Well that just about was the most depressing thing I hear that day. So I'm old after 25?

The old people here (my grandparents) are really only in the early 70's, but none the less one has arthritis and the other diabetes. So things look like they will just continue down hill. There is nothing but down now. Well, there is no other option either. It’s ok though, it’s called the cycle of life. We age and that’s a fact. Last week I turned 18 and think that I have a good 64 years to live. Of course that is if my career doesn’t kill me. (“About me" explains career path).

So what do we have to look forward to in the next 64 years? Paying the bills of a war that made no sense. Losing Social Security and most benefits for federal employees will be gone. Medicare will be non-existent. Our nation’s budget will be so high our great grandchildren will never see it reduced. God knows, another war is possible but only he can tell us where. Countries will despise us for the actions we take today. We will have to mend relationships with nations we turned out back to when they legitimately needed us. O good times ahead!

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Our last new start

Today I expected my schedule to be much more difficult then it actually is. To think I was actually worried about Photo 1? :) . Contemp issues with B is going to be a breeze. I think he and I agree on Bush, we don’t like him. Journalism with Cox is also a breeze.

EMT, we got out grades back on practical and written. I passed everything. Thank goodness. That was a major relief. Now for practical I know what to expect etc.

this is our last semester at Barlow and I am excited to leave. Though we will all leave some fond memories behind, I really can’t wait to get out. Just think one more set of finals.

Second semester senior year, the start of the end.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

What Snow?

Today I woke around 8:30, the skies dark and snow still falling, I looked out a window in my bedroom. I didnt see as much snow as I anticipated. The forecasters were a bit wrong in snow totals. Or maybe I just assumed we would get closer to two feet. Easton ended up with about 12-14 inches. My road is now become half its normal size and snow banks on each side. This storm was certainly not the “Blizzard of '05 “. I do enjoy snow but I'd rather warm tropical weather like in Bermuda.

(Perennial Garden)

A friend of mine and I have been contemplating a few different film ideas for the film festival on March 11th at Barlow. He is unsure time wise whether he can commit himself to it and I think either way our ideas need to be refined a bit. I am still thinking of doing it, but I need within my storyline, a better message to convey.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Yes I did

I just did what was once considered by me to be the unthinkable, the unimaginable. Ross had suggested the new Mac Mini (http://www.apple.com/macmini/). I had said I wasn’t sure that it would be a good product. But I figure I will try it as the OS will kick ass, especially with tiger coming out in the first quarter. So yes I purchased a Mac.

I told Ross that considering the price of the new Mac Mini, I would make the switch. It seems harmless as I can return the item with in two weeks after arrival date. So I now must sell my Dell 4600 desktop. Anyone interested, let me know. It will be going up on eBay with in two weeks.

With the OS now and whats to come, I only see good things coming. Apple, because it just works.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

The manikins are talking ...

From the moment I step foot into school today, I knew that if I wasn’t already prepared, I didn’t have a prayer. As a friend and I walk down to the lower gym, we sit atop the balcony. Looking down onto the gym floor, I see 3 different manikins lying next to a tall ladder. I suddenly see what this is all about. Our instructor hands us the schedules for the practical. I am one of the first to go. I grab my stethoscope, bp cuff, penlight and gloves, head down the stairs and wait to be directed.

First up was the medical station. The scenario was a female moving bags of fertilizer. One bag broke and created a cloud of dust all over. She was having difficulty breathing and coughing. I decided to pull her out of the area, as it was a hazard to the both of us. I applied O2 NRB at 15 lpm and then did a medical assessment. ALS was requested. I even called poison control to advise them that fertilizer has been spilled and is creating large amounts of dust into the air. Then I expressed what I would do in a ongoing assesment.

The second station was a trauma. A male had fallen from a ladder and was knocked unconscious. I approach the scene, keeping in mind initial assessment. I find the victim to only responding to pain (AVPU). After applying O2 NRB at 15 lpm I decide to do a rapid trauma assessment (I did mention to apply an airway, I didn’t actually perform it). I requested ALS support immediately. While moving down on the victim he moaned once I began to press on his iliac crest. I quickly ran down the rest of the extremities then exposed the area of pain/concern.

Afterwards I asked for a sample and did not get one. I then proceeded to an ongoing assessment which normally would be in the Ambulance and anticipated for ALS intercept.

All and all, I believe I passed. I might have forgotten to mention a step or two. You must keep in mind I was incredibly nervous and much of the morning is a blur.

Tomorrow I have off.

Monday, January 17, 2005

Worst week inbound

Exams are this week. Tomorrow I have the EMT practical and algebra exam. Wed I have off. Thursday is just madman and Friday is Eng.

I am prepared for all except EMT, as you can never be to prepared. Either way tomorrow pass or fail, thinking pass, I have an entire 2nd semester to get back on track if need be and crack the books like you wouldn’t believe for it.

Speaking of EMS , check out my hometowns new EMS web page :


I think it looks great. A friend of mine just finished it a few days ago. Bravo!

Sunday, January 16, 2005


Today is my 18th Birthday.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Changes to template

I thought I should change things around a bit. Let me know what you think.


I am currently looking into a trip to the Bahamas or Caribbean in Summer 05. It’s a matter of finding the best deal. Likely Brian and I will go to Aruba as its been the best location and price yet. Its just time to RELAX!


Then a trip to Sweden. If I have time, I hope I can make it to my cousins wedding in Australia. I do not know if time will allow seeing college will await me in August. April break, my grandparents are going to Bermuda and I would like to tag along, but I need Danbury Hospital hours for EMT course in and around that time. So much planning and it should be done by March. Its not that its coming up soon, it takes sometime to research and book. Time I don’t seem to have lately.

Friday, January 14, 2005


In the year 2005 I resolve to:
Loose all my money gambling.

Get your resolution here.

In the year 2005 I resolve to:
Take over the world.

Get your resolution here.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

The Circle of Trust

Lately the circle of trust has been changing with people leaving and coming. While new people are in, a few have been kicked out never to return.

Once you leave the circle, there is no coming back.

Thank you Jack Byrnes (Robert De Niro)

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

WMD'S / Looking

Official: U.S. calls off search for Iraqi WMDs

What a surprise? The United States is taking steps to determine how it received FALSE intelligence that lead Bush to assume Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein was developing and stockpiling nuclear, chemical and biological weapons.

Bush can be fooled twice. My question is, WHY DID WE GO IN??? WHAT IMMEDIATE THREAT WAS THERE TO USA? Please someone help me with answers there. I sure as hell dont have them.

Well, I am looking forward to this weekend. Need some time off. 18th B day. Exams will be difficult but aren’t they supposed to be?

I am in desperate need of a vacation away from here. Somewhere tropical and soon. I may go loony if I dont go somewhere.

I want like 20 inches of snow soon. How nice?


Hej! Ursäkta mig fälla utbrott backa det. Var finns dem ...? Hur mår du? Sträng ifråga kyla hemland? Snälla reaktion vård.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

What a Concept! Mac Mini

Just 6.5 inches wide and 2 inches tall. Mac mini starts at $499.

# Fast G4 processor
# Up to 1GB memory
# Dedicated graphics processor
# DVI connector, VGA adapter
# Slot-loading Combo drive

It includes, iLife ’05, Mac OS X v10.3 “Panther,” Quicken 2005 for Mac, Nanosaur 2, Marble Blast Gold

I am thinking of buying one as my Dell hs recently caused me more problems.

It Just Works

Monday, January 10, 2005


Last night right after I finished my synthesis paper, I counted down the minutes till the show 24 airs on fox. I sat down with my ice cream and began to watch, a bit disheartened that most of the old characters are gone. About 30 minutes in the story line thickened and the people began to come out of there shell.

This years cast is good, but so have the others. So far this show has a thumbs up from me. Tonight the final 2 hour edition airs same time.


Lots of work lately, exams next week. Lately there doesn’t seem to be enough time in a day. 24 Hours isn’t enough.

Friday, January 07, 2005

Plans for Weekend 1/8-1/9

Ride along Day Shift tomorrow
Out to dinner tomorrow night in NYC

Church Sunday AM
HW Sunday PM


My book is coming along nicely at 145 pages and going, unedited. I also am including about 3 pages of the most important pictures.

Thursday, January 06, 2005


I am now focusing on just a few things.

EMT Class in general
Summer 2005

My time has becoming increasingly more packed. Ohwell, thats life.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Much to my surprise

Some people really, at least when I don’t expect it amaze me. I was very surprised to hear a friend of mine had got me a Christmas gift but something was wrong with it, sent it back and is waiting for a new one. That gift is the single most thoughtful thing I have gotten in a long time.

It’s a picture frame with an engraving on it. The picture in it is of my mother and me.

Thanks ever so much. You have no idea how much I appreciate it. It helps.


The War in Iraq Cost Connecticut so far:


Instead, we could have provided
students four-year scholarships at public universities in Connecticut. :(

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Where is the time going?

Where has the time gone? Christmas has come and gone as with New Years. My birthday is fast approaching on the 16th and exams are coming. Wow.

I need Feb. break and plane tickets out of here!


The number of Swedish tourists missing in Thailand was increased to 3,500 today. Sweden now seems likely to be the Western country hardest hit by the tsunamis that wrecked the southern Asian coastline. A candle still burns on for those missing and those who perished at my house.

I be till Gud fälla vars förgås och förkommen.

Sunday, January 02, 2005

The family tree

In the next few months, when I have free time I am going research my family on all sides as far back as I can. Then I will be documenting it along side with any relics that exist connecting them. It would be nice to do this before the older generations in my family pass on or lose there minds.

Not unfortunatly I cant research my fathers side for two reasons. One I have not spoke with him in two years. Two, he was adopted, so real blood history is impossible to obtain other then the vague information I already have of his real parents. His adopted parents have a real story and lengthy family legacy reaching to connections of old royalty in Russia, but again these people arent my blood. Though fascinating I refuse to officially document anything about them. I dont need to.


Hej! Hur mår du? I bra behöva informationen se storfamilj från du snälla. :).
Skickar via Amerikanska Postverket fast. Tak!

Saturday, January 01, 2005

A Somber Moment

There are more than 3,000 visitors from Sweden among the missing in Thailand, and the Scandinavian nation is braced for what could be the worst natural disaster toll in its history.

Swedes greeted the New Year with a national day of mourning Saturday, flying flags at half-staff and lighting candles for the missing.

There is a candle lit in my house for those missing and deceased.

Happy New Year

As we aspire on in our lives into 2005, let us look back at 2004. Personally 2004 was the year of moving on for me. I learned how to move on from terrible occurrences once and for all. Also colleges have been applied to, EMT class is being taken. Though the year proved to be lack luster in traveling, 2005 looks much brighter. I am planning a few trips in February, April break and in the summer.

February I am going to stay in NYC all break. April break I will be basking in Bermuda. Summer vacation, I am planning a trip to Sweden, and the Bahamas with Brian as a senior trip. Then it’s off to a much a larger adventure, college. Now I currently do not know where I am going in terms of acceptance, but I am hopeful of one or two schools.

From travels to accomplishments 2005 is going to be a big year for me.
