Did I mention?

This blog contains commentary on my life at college and at home. I have been recently including my pursuit for a better resident life here at my own school. This will be an ongoing theme among many posts intertwined with various other issues.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Alive and Well

Live Strong

Yesterday I moved into my dorm back at Mount Ida College. I was very hesitant to move into the particular dorm I am now in, due to the high incidents of illegal activities. I for one do not partake in such events and neither does Mallory. However I found my room to be quite nice with enough space for two people, and its best feature is that it’s off the main hall and not off of a suite with twenty people. Therefore there is tremendous privacy. I am also next to the elevator, which is good and bad as the noise level tends to be fairly high even late at night while people, mostly drunks congregate around it.

All and all life is not bad back at the Ida. I get to spend time with Mallory, and I also am away from my family. That is a good and bad thing in of it self. Either way, I am surviving for now. I will by the weekend post a few pictures of my room on this blog. I just need to find the camera. I am still slightly unpacking.

My room has become a sanctuary inside the gates of hell.

Monday, August 14, 2006


Live Strong

What I'm Reading:

I just started this book after seeing it in Barnes and Noble the other day. After scouring the shelves and struggling to find a book that would interest me I found " The World is Flat " , by Thomas Friedman. Friendman is a well known NY Times columnist yet his name sounded vaguely familiar. I picked up the book and began flipping through the pages. I've wanted so long to find a book that would provide me insight into today's world through the way our nation has changed in the last decade via technology. The author explains how globalization has changed the entire world and the way it does business. Globalization has changed the land scapes of many thought to be third world countries or at the very least poor with large glass and steel sky scrapers towering over slums 100 feet away. So many of the worlds largest corporations have recently moved parts of its business to foreign counties in order to save money.

As a result of this , our nation now lacks the same appeal as these more poor countries to many large corporation , mainly as there objective is to turn a profit.

Being only on page 6 , I eagerly await heading to bed and reading before I fall asleep.


Sunday, August 06, 2006

Live Strong

I am thinking of purchasing a new cell phone. Perhaps the Palm Treo. I am looking for a cell phone that will have a even basic GPS so I may have it everywhere I go. It would be able to tell me the nearest subway station, train station , bus station , gas station and so on. How conveinent ?! Not to mention I would like email access at any point in time as well. How ever I currently have Cingular and I dont much care for that provider and thus getting a phone from them seems pointless if I intend to switch as soon as I can. ( 1 Year )

I also have greatly enjoyed a new travel site , kayak.com. I believe they will be soon passing expedia.com in popularity. The one difference , kayak.com has less fancy pictures and more straight information. Kayak.com in fact searches every other website for the lowest airfare or hotel and then compares each site and compare prices.
