Did I mention?

This blog contains commentary on my life at college and at home. I have been recently including my pursuit for a better resident life here at my own school. This will be an ongoing theme among many posts intertwined with various other issues.

Friday, December 30, 2005

Grandma Jaffe

Live Strong

On December 24th 2005 my grandmother , Marcia Paris Jaffe passed away. She was 76 years old leaving behind a loving family and a very acomplished life.


(Please note this is not the one that I live with , rather my fathers mother)

It will be the little things I miss about grandma. She would always bug me about my salt addiction ! . She always believed in me and expressed a great amount of confidence in my abilities. Always she was the last person to doubt me and the first to encourage me. If ever there was a time I wasnt sure about something, she told me to just dive into it.

It has been three years since we last spoke. However that did not dull the fact that I deeply cared for my grandmother. She was a loving person with a big heart and only wanted the best for me, whether I agreed with it or not at the time. I will deeply miss her and regret not seeing her in so long. However my memories of her are not when she was ill with cancer but rather when she was healthy and full of life. Grandma Jaffe now rests in peace up in heaven, watching down upon all her family and in that we can take away a sense of security. Grandma's sense of compassion and devotion to us all will continue to live on in our memories and through our stories of which we will tell one another.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Eve/Day

Live Strong

Now with my credit cards swiped one to many times and my wallet in physcical pain , its time to finish wrapping and start attending those holiday eve gatherthings. Its time to dress up and wear your best, church bells will ring as people start to sing. Lets not forget that other side of the family I will see after church this evening ! Ahhhhh!

For my Christian friends, Merry Christmas, for my Jewish friends, Happy Hanukkah. You are all winners in my book.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Life = Great

Live Strong

Well how could life get any better? I dont think so.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Safe at Home

Live Strong

Yesterday I made it back home and alive. I am very excited to be home , as there is so much to do. How ever I am really going to miss my Ida'ers. How will I make it with out Spaz 2? Anyone remember " See this is a reflex, THIS is on purpose." Lets not forget the way I make sure my room door is always shut and locked. Or even a certain someone and how often they get distracted? Haha.

There have been so many good times at the Ida this first semester, more then I think anyone of us figured. I predict many more good times next semester, i.e baby powder!

To those at home, lets make this vacation count. I am sure I will see you all a hundred times so ... YAY!

NYC anyone ?

Friday, December 16, 2005

Day Before

Live Strong

I am DONE with my finals ! I just need to complete a CJ paper. I cant wait to get home. How ever I will miss many here at the Ida. First floor, you are my people. NYC this vaca ... :)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Live Strong

What a GREAT night. You girls really outa do that again sometime.

Jack Sparrow kicks ass !

Sleep good kids.

Sunday, December 11, 2005


Live Strong

6 Days to home. It cant come soon enough. So many things need to be put to rest and so much needs to be figured out.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Less then 2 Weeks

Live Strong

As the title says, in less then two weeks I will be basking in the glory of Christmas and my home. I doubt I could be more eager to go home then I am now. With Christmas, family and friends it is time to go back home and re connect with all for more then just a few days but rather a month.

Christmas in itself creates a very warm feeling in which brings so many people together and closer to there homes.

In the relative near future I have hopes, perhaps false, of a chance or glimmer towards a relationship. That for now waits to be seen, and thats ok. Time is a wonderful thing in some ways.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Swing and a Miss

Live Strong

Well , in a sense it looks like another strike is against me. Where to go from here? The up's and downs of life are sometimes more up and more down then we would like but in the end we hope for a balance. Its that balance that I am now at midnight searching for.
