Did I mention?

This blog contains commentary on my life at college and at home. I have been recently including my pursuit for a better resident life here at my own school. This will be an ongoing theme among many posts intertwined with various other issues.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

I thought

Live Strong

I thought there would be much more to write about, however I was wrong. I plan on going home Columbus Day weekend.

I am sick sick sick ... sniffles.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Time goes by

Live Strong

As I settle more into college, I decided to take a break this weekend. I went home to visit certain people and to celebrate my grandfather’s birthday. I was glad to be home how ever, I was not reluctant to return to school.

I am going to Harvard Square tomorrow to purchase a new tennis racquet as I have found people who play tennis here.

Tomorrow I will have a more in depth update.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

40,000 Needed

Live Strong

The American Red Cross made an urgent plea Saturday for 40,000 new volunteers to help feed, house and comfort Hurricane Katrina victims. (cnn.com)

As far as I know Mount Ida College is working on deploying students and staff to the gulf coast for spring break. I personally can not wait to go as I can only imagine the urgency that exists for help.

If you would like to make a donation to help the gulf coast, please visit www.redcross.org .

Monday, September 05, 2005

Alive and stressed

Live Strong

Lately I have been having mixed feelings about well, many things. Most of the people I have met here at college have been sincere and very nice. How ever I still have the feeling of being very vulnerable. Perhaps it’s my sheer distrust in people, a distrust I will freely admit to. Its not that the people here have given me a reason to not trust me, its just that I have some issues I need to hash out and confront.

I digress ... my weekends are shaping up well for the next three weeks. In Newton center at the local T stop (outer subway system) is a Starbucks. That is a nice place to sit down and have a coffee or water and cookie, read the paper and surf the web on the wifi.

Overall, my classes are going well so far. In the morning I am going out early for a run, mainly to clear my mind. As I use to say back as early as 7th grade. " When all else fails, I have my running “.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Please help

Live Strong

Please help and donate any amount you can towards the victims of hurricane Katrina.


