Did I mention?

This blog contains commentary on my life at college and at home. I have been recently including my pursuit for a better resident life here at my own school. This will be an ongoing theme among many posts intertwined with various other issues.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

7 Weeks

Live Strong

7 weeks till summer ... I sorta cant wait. Of course I will deeply miss many those 3 months.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Finally Home !

Live Strong

As I got home today I notice two things, that is my distance from Mallory has proved my love for her is very strong. I am going to be picking her up Sunday and we will be spending the week together here at my house.

Second I realized how much I miss home. Its not just the people but the location, I really now see and enjoy the very place I live. It means more to me now then it ever has.
After being out in the world now for 8 months or so, I realize that where it is we (us Easton/Redding people) have it so good. Seeing where my roomie for example comes from, he was lucky to have aluminum siding on his home just to keep it from falling over in Haiti. Now we may not get along well, there is one common denominator that is the pursuit of an education.

I cant say enough how much being in college for the last 8 months has changed how I think about everything. My eyes are much more wide open, and I see things in a more realistic sense. I know understand what it takes to do what I need to do career wise. I understand the cost of an apartment etc, after much research and conversations with realtors. I now know how to get around a city other then NYC on my own and from they’re any where in the world. The many doors that have now opened for me are fantastic, with many more yet to be discovered.

One door I swung open the other day could be the gateway towards my career.I began to speak with my American Government professor on Thursday before I took my midterm. I asked him what American University in D.C was like, what his experience in the political world was and whether such a pursuit in it would be worthwhile taking. He sat me down and told me that if this is something I really want, a life in politics, then I need many contacts and major funding not to mention time. Having graduated from AU with a master’s degree only 10 years ago and working with many top senators and congressman since, he has made many friends on the hill. Hopefully he will be my liaison between D.C and Boston for the next 3 years at the Ida as I gain a better understanding of what it is I want in life and where I need to go.

I mentioned to him that I would like to start a political interest group at my school, sorta rally the masses into getting better educated on local issues as well as national. I am going to be filing paperwork to start such a group after I gather enough interest. I doubt it will be hard to do so, as I already have 37 names.

Aside from all that, I am just hoping to get through the next eight weeks of classes. Then it’s a nice long summer filled with work, travel and long nights spent living life.I cant wait!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Live Strong

Midterms are hitting hard and two all nighters so far, up till 4am or 5 ... its only tuesday. Wow I am tiered beyond all belief, save me!

Does anyone care if I fast forward to friday?

A long detailed entry is due friday night.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Long Gaps

Live Strong

It has been a while since I have wrote in this blog. I have found myself with out a second to spare in the last month, and for that my readers of many i'm sorry.

Though I hate to once again disapoint you all in that there is little to touch upon in my life. Spring break is coming , a week from tomorrow. I cant wait to get back home as I have been and still am quite sick. I miss home. I am bringing Mallory home with me for most of spring break, many a plans to be made!

For us Christians Lent is upon us. This is a time to give something up in repsect and showing that we believe in the holy father, how ever I have decided to do the opposite. I am going to do something more often, that is to keep in touch with people who I have left back in August last year and be more willing to commit time to them and reconnect.

For now my focus will be this coming week and all its academic struggles. I hope to get it over with soon so I can make it home to my friends and family.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Live Strong

Ear Infection , sinus infection , fever of 102.3 and body aches

Mallory is caring for me
