Did I mention?

This blog contains commentary on my life at college and at home. I have been recently including my pursuit for a better resident life here at my own school. This will be an ongoing theme among many posts intertwined with various other issues.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Minimal Update

Live Strong

I apologize for the lack of postings as of late. I have been very busy. I have had a dental emergency which infact is still plaguing me till Monday when I go back. The pain I am in right this moment is undesrcibable thusI wil keep this short.

I won the election for SGA senate. Its very exciting. I plan to get my agenda rolling as soon as possible. Due to my dental appointment on Monday I will likely be missing my first day on the job as a newly elected Senator. I plan to however submit my thoughts and Ideas via email to the head of SGA etc. I will be notified of any voting and such as well.

I will post a much longer entry by the middle of the week as I hope to have all the issues of pain and homework as well resolved.

Thank you for voting for me.

Till my next post, carry on.

Friday, September 15, 2006


Live Strong

I will be filing my application for candidacy on Monday for Senator. Tomorrow I will be attending a SGA meeting that provides information to the candidates and the basic structure of SGA here on campus. I am very excited and campaigning begins on Monday.

Perhaps I can make the change I so desire for this college. This might just be the gateway to so many new and improved things. I am planning a very intense agenda should I get elected. It is my hope and utmost intent to make things happen on this campus in the most positive way possible.

I will add a much more detailed entry by Monday.

Till my next post, carry on.

Saturday, September 09, 2006


Live Strong

The first meeting for SGA of Mount Ida College is September 13th. The day of which to declare candidacy is September 19th and the election day is in the first week of October.

I am putting serious thought into entering the race for this year as a Senator. I alone in two weeks have been making a million strides towards a more efficient and positive campus experience. I just am incredibly curious about what SGA here on campus has to offer.

Tomorrow I will post more on this , as I will have more information once I speak with certain people.

Friday, September 08, 2006

More progress

Live Strong

Today I took on a few different problems in my life here on campus. For one, I have secured my job for this year. That of course is good as I will have a consistent income bi - weekly. Earlier this week I had been told due to budget cut back I was not promised a job this year.

Also last night as I took my clothes out of the dryers from the 3rd floor, they though steaming hot were still just as soaked as they were when I put them in. As a result today, I called up the independent Laundromat service who supplies the dryers etc, I am being sent by mail $ 4.00 back from what I lost and the dryers are now scheduled to be serviced by Tuesday.

For the rest of the weekend, I am meeting Mallory’s grandparents and we are going to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner tomorrow night. Real food! Other then that, its relaxation and some homework.

As for next week, Monday I will be revisiting the reason behind the lack of garbage cans on my floor. Also I sense among most students a need for furniture in the dorm rooms. I myself am missing a desk chair (I write this entry on top an over turned large green Rubbermaid container).

Till my next post, carry on.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Potential for progress and possible travel

Live Strong

Well I have made some process since the " points of concern " entry three days ago. I have a scheduled appointment with a directors of resident life tomorrow. Perhaps tomorrow I can begin my pursuit of a more efficient and improved college campus.

As far as the food situation, limited comments have been made to the executive chef throughout the last week , few yet some improvements have been made. How ever subtle , they are happening. I think it will regardless of anything improve just on a longer time frame then most of us would hope.

I am still looking into the SGA and what that involves. I will post any update on that as soon as it happens.

On another topic , a friend of mine had recently told me ( and posted on his blog http://www.withoutacar.com/ ) about a incredibly cheap fare from JFK to London England. At just about $99 one can fly 8 hours over the Atlantic ocean one way ( or as some say " across the pond " ). This deal lasts till Sept 12th , I haven't decided yet if I am going to book a flight as I question if I can afford the hotel costs not to mention food and so on. By spring break ( when I would likely book my trip for ) I plan to have an apartment. It will be tough enough paying for that let alone a trip to London.

Other then that , nothing else to report.

Till next post , carry on.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Points of Concern

Live Strong

There are a few key points of concern with regards to my college that I have encountered of the last week.

1. Students Rights

Problem - Most students for example don't even understand they can actually make an impact on their own college life for the better if they just speak up a little. Most times students will complain to themselves and friends but never to those who need to hear it.

Solution: Begin a campaign for a stronger more organized student voice. Once established begin to schedule conferences with heads of various departments.

2. Food

- Dining hall has very poor quality food, the same as last year
- Selection of food is often very limited
- Many times condiments appear to be MIA, or in some cases have yet to make an appearance at all

Solution: Once again schedule meetings with head of departments, especially the head chef and manager of the food company here.

When I gather my thoughts together I will add to this list. For now these two points will be my main focus for the next few weeks. I will at some point in these next few weeks update on my progress.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Getting the swing of things

Live Strong

Its Friday morning and I just completed an entire week of classes. I am for the most part happy with them, aside from the early hours of which they require. I am also getting use to campus life, mainly the atmosphere of a Thursday night. It’s not so much that I had forgotten what it is like to live, more so work a Thursday night here on campus but I choose to block such images out of my mind. Such activities that transpire each Thursday night here on campus in my opinion are senseless but I believe everyone is entitled to do as they please, as long as you don’t interfere with my day etc. As for my dorm room, it’s not so bad. My roommate is nice enough and my side of the room is shaping up real nicely.

On a not so related topic, I will be investigating the SGA here on campus and following up on the dates of which I have to complete my form for candidacy should I choose to run. I will post more on this when I have a better idea of what will be required in the up coming weeks.

I will be at Mallory’s parents house this weekend for a family party, until Sunday. Though I am not looking forward to the party, I am looking forward to good food, a nice shower and a good nights rest. Monday Mallory and I are planning to spend the day in Boston walking around Harvard Square.

Until my next post carry on.
