Live Strong
Ok, normally I don't spend time writing about political things but there is something on my mind. As of a last week a "grieving" mother of her son who died in Iraq last year is now camping outside of Bush's ranch in effort to make a statement against the war and in hopes to speak with Mr. Bush on pulling out.
This woman has every right to be doing this being a free country and all, but come on! First off allow me to throw my opinion in here, leaving Iraq now means we did nothing for no one and the 1500 + soldiers literally and truly died for NOTHING. We as unfortunate as it is must continue our path in Iraq, help clean up and re build and yes get the hell out of there. I don't agree with the war in the first place but lets not just pack up running from the insurgents and millions of now hopeless and innocent civilians.
So now this women is making every newspaper headline while staging anti-war protests outside Mr. Bush’s ranch along with hundreds more that are joining her. These anti -war protests are going to hurt troop morale. I really would doubt these acts out against the war are something her now dead son would have wanted. Of course I can not speak for him, but he like any other soldier typically feels a willingness to perform their duty and certainly don't need a bunch of "yahoo's" against them.
My suggestion to all of this is pro troop rallies. Lets get out there and support our troops; it doesn't mean you have to support the war or our president how ever. The soldiers need our support.
These women can do what she pleases but I personally don’t agree with it.