Did I mention?

This blog contains commentary on my life at college and at home. I have been recently including my pursuit for a better resident life here at my own school. This will be an ongoing theme among many posts intertwined with various other issues.

Friday, July 30, 2004

Support our troops! Support John Kerry
Carnival less busy then last night. Went well though

Overall , I am very happy . Socially things are great. ( i know i sounds like ross ) . Really things are good in dept.

I am making $


If things go right, life is good, very good.

Support our troops! Support John Kerry
Best night in lifetime. Worked carnival. Did grounds/security from 830-11pm. I was hangning out with Kim. I havnt talked with her for 2 years so it was nice to talk.


Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Support our troops! Support John Kerry
Horrible fight tonight. I dont know what to do . Nothing can be done anymore. Nothing can be changed. Nothing will ever be solved. Problems escalate , I get more upset , time goes by , hopefully I am out of here.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Support our troops! Support John Kerry

As I sit and observe a teenage couple yesterday , I realize how good but often the ups and downs of a relationship especially at our age ( 16.17,18 ) is just to much to handle. I know some will tell u otherwise and the opposite of how I feel. But as I write this I cant help but think that its such a very temporary relationship and almost more problems come from it then good.

As most are aware that our buddy Ross , feels very strongly on this issue. He may tell you he doesnt want sex etc from a relationship right now and thats fine. I dont know how many of him are out there who dont want that . Either way .

So if we break all this down , what makes teenagers go out with one another? What is the reason? Obviously you want to be more then friends with the person but how far do you want to go with that? I just think that many teens are in a relationship for little or no reason at times , also not knowing what they want out of it and end up getting hurt in the end.

Bottom line:

Looking for a solution? Dont go out with someone unless you know what you want out of the relationship and how long it could last .

Monday, July 26, 2004

Support our troops! Support John Kerry
I got results back on both catscans and MRI'S for my migraines and a "growth" on my right rib cage.

As far as the migraines are concerned , everything was negitive and though they persist are being treated with meds.

The growth on my right rib cage is going to need further tests to either rule out or diagnose a list of diseases. There is apparently no connection between the growth and migraines which is a good thing. I am going to a surgeon for a consultation and I may have to have this removed via surgery. Sounds like fun to me ... :( .
What ever. Wil update when more info becomes avaliable .

I have been having re-occuring problems with my Dell ( what else is new ) . Well, I asked for a refund and to my surprise have be granted one . Dell wants 144.00 (15%) for re-stocking fee etc but otherwise I will be re-paid $844.00. This is great and thrilling news considering I was ready to really fight Dell for a refund.

I will be purchasing a new iMac G5 when they are released and shipped during the month of September. So between the time of the return of the Dell and the arrival of the iMac , I will be using Ross's AMD comp. I am back at sqaure one here but with patience I will be happy with a fantastic and beautiful iMac.

Support our troops! Support John Kerry
Congrats to me, my last post was # 200 .


Someone explain how the sequence of life should go ? As ross would tell you, we have been hashing and debating it for a hour now online. Neither of us are wrong , we just thing very differently in this respect.

Friday, July 23, 2004

Support our troops! Support John Kerry
I am getting very worryed. NYTIMES.COM , in reguards to bar-codes on all products.

"So the European code has 13 digits, while the code used in the United States and Canada has 12. The 13-digit code took off and is used in most other countries. And the American side has finally made an accommodation with reality. The Uniform Code Council, the North American arbiter of bar codes, has told North American retailers that bar-code scanners will have to read the 13-digit codes by January. The 12-digit codes do not die; systems that can read 13-digit codes can also read 12-digit codes.

''But the 13-digit standard is what it's all moving to,'' said Ray Tromba, an expert in retail and consumer products distribution for IBM Global Services. ''The 13-digit is the global standard.''

I cant buy something that has 13 digit bar code on it. Its bad luck!! any one have any thoughts?

I decided to stockpile products with 12 digit bar codes on em. I have to be able to last years. Look out Stop & Shop!

Support our troops! Support John Kerry

I am making a will out . Sure it nots legal but its something .,
Grandparents should they out live me : I cant think of much
My Aunt ( 1 in particular) : You get 90% of my mom's stuff, cause you deserve it the most. (pictures, her money, my ss . )
My other Aunt : Umm,,, nothing
Uncle 1 : A few autographs I have of the Yankees . My subsciption to SI
( related to the aunts )
Unlce 2 : A few other autographs , my season tickets to the Yankees . My printer
Lily (1st cousin: My Moms pearl necklace, one day you will appreciate it .
Charlie (1 st cousin ) : My autograph of Nomar , my baseball glove
Ella ( 1st cousin) : I havnt known u long enough ( 2 yrs old )

Brian : MY PS2 and games , My TV , $1,000 SPLIT MY DVD'S WITH ROSS
Ross : My Surround Sound , my LCD , $1,000 , ross you can have the comp if u want to sell it. my fax machine
Lindsay: $500 , my kerry t shirt ,
Eric: My FBI shirt, hat and pin.
Neary: My duty belt , and all thats on it. Mag Lite , my black duffle , 6 pack of mikes hard lemonade :) .
Liz : $100 , my cell phone if u want it
Vicky : I will write down the dirt I have on Brian for you :)
Lindquist : My oakleys
Jon K : Dirt I have on lindsay , and a place to score on 34th street :)
Bruno : My war hammer stuff, whats left

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Support our troops! Support John Kerry
In reguards to Ross's recent blog as of ( 7/20/04 ) , i feel the need to express my hatred to President Bush. With such occurences ( from the article " No Hummer left Behind" , http://www.sierraclubplus.org/hummerdinger/features/no_left.html ) , I bring up " the Bush administration was finally able to secure a $100,000 tax deduction for Hummers and the other largest gas-guzzlers on the road as part of his "economic stimulus" package." How ridiculous. I am speech less... im with out speech. This is truely how crazy and anti enviromentist he is , with out the slighest concern for people on many levels. For one thing, the people who purchase these vehicles are not the ones needing a tax break.

Bush's idea behind this ( and we know it was his idea cause how stupid it was ) was that if you lower the tax's more people would buy the car. Vehicles had been languishing on dealer lots for more than six months, with no potential buyers in sight. With the new assistance from the Bush administration, dealers feel confident that sticker shock will no longer be a problem and more cars will be bought increasing the economy , encouraging buyers and the market to increase. W e dont need people buying these cars. Did you know that most parts for the car , though from a American Company are made in Canada and Mexico?

Creating tax breaks for people who own large vehicles when they dont have to , or forced to is wrong while ignoring the people who need a break and are FORCED to pay high taxes.

President Bush, why dont you think about lowering perscription drug costs, by forcing a limit as to how much a drug company can charge. Do it the canadians way, the gov't regulates the prices of drugs , hence the old people crossing the boaders in coach buses everyday. Work on problems like that!! Just to name 1 of hundreds.

But Hummer dealers were elated following the ceremony. In a statement released by Hummer of Alaska, the dealership praised the Bush Administration for creating "a tax 'loophole' so big, you could drive a Hummer H2 though it!" Doesnt that just scream , getting away with murder? Is this a free for all? Lets go out and all by large vehicles and slap pro- bush bumper stickers or window clings in our windows praising Bush. How about no?

I cant even beleive he took the time to initate a act like this. Doesnt he have enough self inflicted problems on his plate now.

What ever happend to fairness and equality when it comes to the avg person. It is not fair that a person will pay the same amount in tax for a hummer as someone else would owning a honda civic. Thats mad. Well I am mad.

The bottom line is that if you can afford a Hummer, pay the damn taxes that appropriatly go with. Drive it , love it , just dont cry about the high taxes you should rightfully be paying and not get away with. I for one have little agains the car, I know its not good for the enviroment and I dont like that but, the concept and Idea of the car is ok. Trails, mountains. Use it there.

(for those of you who know my uncle drives a Hummer H2 I can say that he for one has no problem with the high taxes as that was in consideration when the H2 was purchased. He drives it rarely , maybe once every 2-3 weeks driving 30 miles max )

Monday, July 19, 2004

Support our troops! Support John Kerry
Its 10:36 , for multiple reasons I have hit a bit of a low point. So much going on, so little time, and what I had in mind to do is not what is going to happen. UGGG.

What am I looking for right now?

Maybe a girl friend from somewhere else then Barlow. God how I latelty despise people from Barlow. Barlow is becoming a hell hole. I looke at Barlow , i think of a reunion in 10 years or what ever, I say fuck 90% of em. I just look in the yearbook and think, I need to get to college, new faces and a new start.

Getting back on topic, mainly I want relaxation, fun, to stay somewhat busy unless im away somehwhere. I am busy but I have had these awful on going migraines. i will be on meds Monday for it thank god.

A few things need to happen :
1 : Liscense , not till im 18 , Jan 16th 2004. ( due to legalitys)
2 : I need to cycle more
3: I need to enjoy life a lot more
4 : Make more $
5 : Get some guidance from above , lord knows I need it

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Support our troops!

I was talking things over with myself, yes myself , and have found that I am distancing from my moms death. I am moving on from the situatuon more and more as time goes by. I have learned that time heals many wounds. Noty entirely , but it helps. I havnt spoken to my dad in 1 year or more. I am not even sure what he thinks about me anymore. I dont think I care, but not sure. He maybe realizes the large mistake he made with being such a incredibly large jackass in more ways then 1 for several months of hell. Either way , it doesnt change anything.

Moving on from my dad ... I hope that life gets easyer in reguards to this last year of school. Junior year I still felt large effects of whats transpired 2002-2003. It hit so hard im just getting up and dusting myself off now about to go on.

Going to start a video project this week on the election and what it affects, from peoples to animals and all that lies in between. It will be an ongoing process concluding February 1st 2004, the first day of presidency for the 2004-2008 term. If you are asking why I am doing this, it provides a angle of America of how and election does and does not impact a person.

Side note to the vid - http://www.unitedforpeace.org/article.php?id=2428

Its a protest against Bush Aug29th, during Republican Convention
