Did I mention?

This blog contains commentary on my life at college and at home. I have been recently including my pursuit for a better resident life here at my own school. This will be an ongoing theme among many posts intertwined with various other issues.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005


Live Strong

I am planning on making EMS a main priority. I am going up to take the practical once more (the parts that need re taking , 2 of 6) and then it will be time to sign up for the written exam.

I think I am going to really enjoy EMS a lot more now. There is so much more to do.

Iraq Pics

Live Strong

Actual line in the sand dividing Kuwait and Iraq.

UH-60 Black Hawk Helo in Mosul, Iraq.

Flag draped coffins lay as they begin there journey home on a C -130.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Helo Pics

Live Strong
Whats left of a Sikorsky S-76 that went down at 34th street into the East river in NYC last week due to apparent pilot error. This pic was sent to me by a pilot friend.

A Sikorsky CH-53 Marine Super Stallion landing in Fallujah, Iraq. ( Early 2005 )

Thursday, June 23, 2005

EMT Results

Live Strong

I received my letter from the State yesterday with my results from my EMT practical in it. I decided not to open the letter up on graduation day because if I did really bad, then I ruined what should a happy day.

I opened up the letter from the state this morning. Like most of the class I failed the same 2 stations which were Spinal Immobilization with the KED and the Random which was the Sling and Swath. By passing all the other stations, I feel confident in in my skills in those areas. So if you haven't a pulse or aren't breathing ,have some sort of trauma or medical condition that's getting worse, I am ok to treat haha.

The question becomes, do I go up to take the 2 stations over after a lot of practice and pass them only to take the written and likely pass it with only a point to spare if that? I just think the written is something I am never going to really pass if I am being honest with myself.

I will decide today whether or not I will mail the letter back to take the practical exam again for those 2 stations.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Live Strong

What I need this summer, to really sustain myself are just a few things but include some rather selfish requests. First and most important are a few trips and relaxation time. Whether it be a trip to Newport with a friend for a few days or what appears to be a realistic trip to Australia ( wedding seems to still be on haha) . I desperately need a change in scenery and a chance to be on my own while I am there. To be free to do what I want when I want would be fantastic here at home as well. This summer is going to be all about me and what I want to do. I really want to be able to re-charge myself as well as just to clear my head before I go off to college. There is even a possibility of a trip to Thailand as I have mentioned before to help the Tsunami victims for a week or two.

The few materialistic items, a paintball marker and a hammock are simple and easily obtainable. Yet they will be at times the focus of entertainment and relaxation for the duration of the summer. Perhaps I am looking at everything as if life will just be this glorious 2 months of free wheel'in good times. Well damn it, no matter I what will make them happen and have fun doing it.

Class of 2005

Live Strong

Congratulations to the Class of 2005! We finally made it.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Almost done

Live Strong

Senior Banquet was tonight. I had a great time, food was something left to be desired never the less a good evening. I think my yearbook is totally signed by everyone. Lets not forget graduation practice today... wow that was fun. * sigh * . Lets get it over with and graduate already!

Making some attempt to extract the tiny pieces of CD Posted by Hello

Picture of my sim city cd destroyed after my cd rom drive blew up the cd. Posted by Hello

Saturday, June 18, 2005

EMT Practical ... over

Live Strong

After waking at 5:30 in the morning to meet at PD then take an EMT practical, I was a bit cranky. While in the car I sit studying in the backseat as James drives and Eric sits there looking like he was making sure no rocket is going to hit the car. ( haha )

Upon arrival of the facility scrambled for the exam check off sheets and decided to look them over once more. What I realized was that if I didn't know it already I wouldn't know it now.

Then it was time to check in with the desk and it was instantly clear there was a problem, as half our class was waiting on the side telling me and the others our check never made it to the state. That presented a small problem. We sat thinking of an idea on how to get $30 for each of us while trying to contact our instructor. Of course she wasn't answering her phone. The guy there told us he would figure it out and he let us up.

As I went through the first two stations I was nervous. I could not have been
more jittery. The bottom line on how I did is, I know I passed a few at the very least. The letter will come in the mail with in the next two weeks. Now its time not to worry about EMT for a week or so and just have fun.

Its almost time to graduate and I am so glad to be leaving our school. Senior Banquet Monday with graduation practice Monday Tuesday and graduation on Wednesday. Parties all after that.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Short Film

Live Strong

I keep throwing around the idea of some how creating and directing a short film. I figured I would get some people together and just do it but I am having trouble seeing an idea that is actually possible. If I come up with something that sounds good and is conceivable, then perhaps I will take the time and do it. Then there is an equipment issue, which I will tackle later.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

I Don't Care

Live Strong

After taking the practical today in school though I did pass,I realize I really dont like doing this. If I fail 2 stations at the practical on saturday so be it. I really dont care.

Whether I can cut it or not Saturday I am at a point where EMS doesnt matter. Look at me as a weak individual if you wish,it doesnt matter. I am pursuing Law Enforment and when I need an MRT cert. I will get it.

Literally I am sick of it all.

There are those who would love to see me quit, give up and fail this stupid EMT cert. To those people I say, be my guest and enjoy my failures. There is something wrong with this, but the bottom line is that no one has the basis or right to judge someones skills or intentions.

Monday, June 13, 2005

International Influence

Live Strong

I think to sustain my mental well being, I really need to get away from here for a bit. Perhaps spend an extended period of time in Australia. I need something, some change of pace and scenery.There is nothing more refreshing then spending time in another country for a bit while relaxing and cleansing the ol'e soul. If nothing else, embracing there culture, yes it be a wee different.

If this week can just end and we move onto graduation week, then celebration is in order. My bottom line is summer, organizing my self/life while relaxing. This summer, I see nothing but Golf, Tennis, the pool, grilling outside and spending time on my aunts hammock in there backyard. Care free days, I can not wait.

Saturday, June 11, 2005


Live Strong

Comment problem solved!
You may now post a comment on the last two entrys and every one from here on.

Academic Wish

Live Strong

My first two years of college will be spent at Mount Ida College in Newton Mass ( just outside of Boston) studying Criminal Justice and International Relations along with psychology. What I am more looking forward to is school in Australia.
It has been agreed that after two years here in the states, I will be allowed on my grandfathers dollar to study in Australia. More then likely I will be attending University of Western Sydney or Macquarie University. So, let the good times roll.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

No do over

Live Strong

After posing the question to several people "if you could do these 4 yrs over again, would you?". Most people admitted they would. Ofcourse it would be with the same people and same place.

No one has the ability to rewind time yet we all try to find some way to get back the time we lost or in some cases screwed up. I cant think of countless things I would LOVE to do over. Relationships that never took off to friendships that went sour. Lets not forget my grades, though my current GPA is 3.18 I often think I could have made honors several times if I only tried a bit harder.

From social to academic areas in life, I really do wish I could re do these last for years. Ofcourse the thought comes to mind, why? Whats the point, what happened happened and its time to move on. Yes, moving on is something I am sure we all cant wait to do, but I would like to patch things up, allow things to develop and play things differently.

Maybe overall my life would somehow improve by making different choices. Only one man , fictional can turn back time and he is Superman. I am not Superman.

So perhaps I learn to play things differently in college, take a different approach socially. Maybe even attend more social functions. Only time will tell, but I would like the last for years back for a re do.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Minor Concern

Live Strong --

I am not a "apple fanatic" exactly, but I am disappointed to not see a PoweBook G5 unveiled at the WWDC yesterday. I suppose its more the thought of having the best of everything that creates my disappointment.

It appears I will be purchasing a PowerBook G4 for college. Which is fine as I am sure it suits my needs. G5 just sounds better.

PowerBook G5 ... where are you ... ?

Monday, June 06, 2005

Memoirs completion ...

Live Strong

I realized after reading a friends blog entry today that I would have time this summer to apply the finishing touches to the memoirs I've been writing. Though they will cover explanations, thought provoking social practices and sometimes unfortunate circumstances, I decided that I want to be able to capture the last few days of school including graduation into it before there release.

On another thought, I decided once and for all that Cingular is the way to go for a new cell phone. So tonight or tomorrow, I will be ordering a new cell phone.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

No Caldwell @ Prom 2005

Live Strong

Tonight as a large majority of our grade attends prom, I sit at home busy with chores watching what's left on my TiVo and babysitting my cousin for a few hours.

I really have no regrets about not asking someone to prom. I could blame my lack of efforts on poor planning or I could just say I didn't take the initiative. What ever it is, I am home tonight. The simple fact is I really don't care to be at prom tonight. Surely there are people who I would have loved to go with, but circumstances are such that things didn't work out. I guess High School relationships arent for me. As prom passes us by, it has almost become impossible now to make an attempt at any relationship. Graduation is coming and times will be a changing soon enough.

Now post prom is another story. I could attend that but then all I would hear is how good or bad prom was. I don't want to be surrounded by people who are talking about an event of which I did not attend.

So people be safe, have a good time and please don't drink and drive.

Friday, June 03, 2005


Live Strong

Yesterday it appears after a short conversation with my grandmother that I would have approval to travel to Thailand this summer in an effort to assist in the ongoing Tsunami relief.

A friend of mine in the last few weeks has gotten me interested in helping out there. He found this program called
United Planet Quests. As I have talked about before, my interest in going to a third world country and helping has been around for almost a year. Though I have always planned to travel to South Africa, Thailand would sufficiently fill my desires.

Over 200,000 people have died as a result of the Southeast Asia Tsunami Disaster. United Planet is currently focusing on the disaster reconstruction efforts in Ranong, Thailand. Volunteers are needed with various tasks associated with the reconstruction and clean up of the area. The local people are paralyzed by the scope of this disaster and really do appreciate and care and support of international volunteers in this reconstruction stage.

So perhaps this summer in my rather busy summer schedule I may be traveling to Thailand for a week or two. I will update with more information as my friend figures out his plans as they
will potentially dictate my final decision . It would be nice to go far off with atleast one familiar face.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Awards Night

Live Strong

Tonight I received an award for ... well it really doest matter, I got one end of story. The main point in this entry is to express my lack of understanding on this whole award ceremony.

It is of course easy as pie to rack up awards if you are the type to advertise what you do in and out of school. If those activities reflect leadership and dedication for god sakes they will give you a freakin monument.

I suppose what I am trying to say is that ofcourse I or others could have walked away with a trunk full of awards more then we did. Most of us just go on with our lives doing good and not making a big deal about it.

Congrats to all tonight. Either way everyone deserved the awards they got ... or at least some.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Idea going no where

Live Strong

I thought about doing some kind of short film, on what I really don't know. I have all these ideas of staging a car crash and raids, soooo many problems with people, equipment, time and how the hell am I going to film a car accident? So... those ideas are shot out the window.

Anyone have any interest in some sort of short film that is possible?
